Petra looks spectacular. I've read many pieces about it - yours is one of the best.

I definitely want to go there.

I'm still figuring out how that area fits into the early history of homo sapiens.

Current theory is they came out of Africa about 80,000 years ago, avoided Europe which was frozen and occupied by fearsome Neanderthals, turned right and migrated across what is now the Middle East, through Asia and crossed from Bali to the Kimberley region of Australia and Papua New Guinea about 65,000 years ago.

So that would fit with the earliest homo sapien settlements being in Iraq, Syria, Jordan etc.

Not sure how other places such as Ninevah and Babylon fit into the timing of the earliest cities, which may have been Sumerian.

It's clear that Western Europe and the Americas are relatively recent in terms of homo sapien history, which might surprise some people.

Interesting stuff. Keep writing.

I've started planning a piece on the Age of Dinosaurs in Australia, so I'll have to think back 150 million years, which is a challenge!

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What an interesting post and I appreciate the compliment. You really must go there, you will find it fascinating on many levels. I have learned so much history from travelling to a new place and then getting curious about its history and then researching from there. I wish I had learned more in school but I guess that is what travel is for. I look forward to reading your piece on the Age of Dinosaurs in Australia. Just wondering if you know about Drumheller in Alberta, Canada? The Royal Tyrell Dinosaur museum is worth a visit.

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It truly is a stunning and special place.

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